Saturday, March 16, 2019

Presentation - Khon kaen think tank - Tram (Official projects) EN

hon Kaen Think Tank Group (KKTT) has assembled the people of Khon Kaen together. This assembly consists of 20 Public and Private Organizations, 8 economic organizations in the province, 24 Chinese organizations, Khon Kaen Community for the Future Foundation, and Khon Kaen University. This project has given the organizations the opportunity to improve basic infrastructures within the province in line with the huge investment plan of the government to develop the transportation system. In order to develop the basic infrastructure of the province, the assembly has put together a funding program, and basing their public transportation as a leading example.

Khon Kaen Think Tank Group (KKTT) is the Light Electric Rail Transit System and developing the appropriate area for such system. This is called the Transit Oriented Development or Commercial Space Development by basing Public Transportation as a leading example. At present, the private sectors have registered as a company limited, with a total capital of 200 million baht under the name Khon Kaen Think Tank Company Limited (KKTT). The company will begin the Transit Oriented Development and Commercial Space Development as their first project.

The North-South line of the Light Electric Rail Transit System will have a distance of 26 kilometers and a total of 18 stations. The Electric Train will be assembles within the country and the system will run 15 trains. Each train will have 3 cars, and a capacity of 180 people per train.


16-Mar-19 รถแทรมจากเมือง Hiroshima ประเทศญี่ปุ่น ถึงจังหวัดขอนแก่นเป็ที่เรียบร้อย เพื่อเตรียมใช้เดินรถแก้ปัญหาจราจรเมืองขอนแก่น

Sunday, March 3, 2019

"ITALIAN DESIGN TODAY" The creative process of today designers

Giulio Cappellini Special Talk ““ITALIAN DESIGN TODAY”

Giulio Cappellini personally handles the image and products of the Cappellini brand, not only in his role as an art director but also as a designer. Many Cappellini products can be found in the permanent collections of the most important contemporary art museums. He also collaborates with opinion leaders in compiling various texts on the history of design. He was recently selected by Time magazine as one of the ten global trendsetters in the field of fashion and design and as ambassador of excellence of Italian design worldwide.

Giulio Cappellini is also an art director for the Istituto Marangoni Design School, with which he collaborates on the development of design contest with many Companies. He also covers the role of Ambassador for the Milano School of Design and of Companies such as Ceramica Flaminia, a market leader for bathroom furnishings, some of whose products he has designed too and Alcantara with which he is developing an innovative industrial and interior design project. For Alcantara he also curates annually an exhibition at the Maxxi Museum in Rome, where the most prestigious international artists and designers are invited each year. Giulio Cappellini loves to challenge himself in the fields of design and communication, a 360 degree vision: from small objects to cars.

He recently published the volume “Il Metodo Cappellini, un sogno declinato” (“The Cappellini Method, a dream fulfilled”) a book in which he tells first-hand his human and professional experiences.

He lectures as a visiting professor in many faculties of design and architecture throughout the world and organizes exhibitions and events, comprising the “Temporary Museum for Design” at the Superstudio Più in Milan. He also collaborates as project manager with Oikos and Tod’s on special projects with the involvement of several designers coming from all over the world.

27 January 2019
Talk | Bangkok Design Week 2019
TCDC Bangkok
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The Role of the Designer in the Contemporary Era

The Role of the Designer in the Contemporary Era by Domus Academy Information Center Thailand
Lecture by Francesco Sorrentino DA_Master in Business Design Progarm Leader

The Master in Business Design program creates new connections between the worlds of business and design. Students will work on projects related to the business of design and the design of business. Enlightening and interdisciplinary, the program focuses on how to apply design culture, methodology and sensitivity to a wide range of businesses, including established enterprises, large, medium and small, and start-ups. You will understand design-driven management strategies as they learn to draft plans for business development, branding, marketing, and communication for the whole company as well as for specific product lines and new ventures.

27 January 2019
Talk | Bangkok Design Week 2019
TCDC Bangkok
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Designing for Water Inclusive City

Designing for Water Inclusive City
Dr. Anne Loes Nillesen

Anne Loes Nillesen will show several successful examples of urban flood risk interventions on different scales, varying from amphibious houses to integrated sea barrier designs and resilient coastal cities.

Dr. Anne Loes Nillesen is founding director of urban design firm Defacto Architecture and Urbanism, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Defacto specializes in urban research and design in the domain of water and flood risk management. With her office, Anne Loes worked on complex, large-scale urban design and flood risk management assignments such as the Dutch Delta Programme and Bangladesh Deltaplan, and several regional and local scale adaptation projects, amongst which a barrier design for Houston. She currently works on the ‘Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia’ project for Khulna, Bangladesh.

In addition to running Defacto, Anne Loes founded the Climate Adaptation Lab and Delta Interventions integral Msc graduate studios at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Faculty of Architecture. Her PhD research focused on the relation between urban design and flood risk strategies. She graduated with honors as an Architect and Urban designer from TU Delft and undertook postgraduate studies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam.

Anne Loes published books such as ‘Amphibious Housing in the Netherlands’, ‘Delta Interventions: Design and Engineering in Urban Water Landscapes’ and developed the ‘Climate Adaptation Game’, a multi-player board game.

26 January 2019
Talk | Bangkok Design Week 2019
TCDC Bangkok
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The Puppet Conundrum by Astra Nova School

The Puppet Conundrum. Alright, I’ve got a question for you. Imagine this. The city of Novokyo is voting for their next leader. Interestingly...