
Showing posts from November, 2016

meetplace - social vr

Meetplace is a new social world that lets you meet up and interact as if you are in the same place! for more info mail Social Virtual Reality is gonna be huge. -

SpaceX’s Plan to Provide Internet from Orbit Edges Closer to Launch

SpaceX moves its dream of global Internet access closer to launch - via @techreview

RingMD: Using data to provide affordable healthcare to more people in Asia

As part of the Data Culture Champions in Asia series, we share how health tech start-up, Ring MD, brings affordable healthcare to people by connecting patients and doctors around the world, 24/7. CEO Justin Fulcher talks about what inspired him to get to start the company and to deliver what some might say is the “future of healthcare”.

ScienceCasts: 2016 Ends with Three Supermoons

Nothing beats a bright and beautiful "supermoon." Except maybe, three supermoons! 2016 ends with a trio of full moons at their closest points to Earth.